"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." — T. S. Eliot


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Red Mountain Pass

Left Ouray today. Ran into Atlanta friend, Rebecca, while heading out of town. Drove to Silverton, where I had to park for the afternoon. A bike race from Durango to Silverton had the pass closed. Turned out to be a blessing...Silverton is a charming town with cool coffeehouses, shops, restaurants. The race was cool to watch too. Colorado boys are HOT!!! Left for Durango late afternoon, along with all the traffic. Brakes overheated on the pass so I had to park it again...ugh! Decided to keep driving on to Pagosa Springs for the night. Off to soak in the sulfer hot springs...ahhhhhhh.
Tomorrow, heading back up towards Durango to visit Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Struck Gold in Ouray...

...exceptional climbing day! 7 solid hours of trad, ascending 1000 ft, 2 hrs rappelling and hike out. spectacular views of Ouray, waterfalls and surrounding mountains.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Write soon...


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Home Sweet Home in OURAY, CO

Aspen, Colorado

It's great to be home in Colorado. Spent this week in Aspen. The weather was gorgeous all but one day. First few days hiked 20+ miles in and around Smugglers Mountain, Hunter's Creek Trail and the road to Independence Pass (currently closed to vehicles). Monday drove up to the town of Marble, where the worlds only white marble is mined. Wednesday was raining which made for the perfect mid-week lazy day. Thursday was a fantastic day on the river, Frying Pan, with my climbing hero, Matt Miller. Soaking in the sun and fly fishing. Learned that fly fishermen are referred to as Anglers, a bobber is now called an indicator, trout don't typically eat the flies, you need polarized glasses to see the fish (ha), it's best to cast within close proximity to the Angler and not too far out, there's a very special technique to hooking a fish that I've yet to grasp, the pole is referred to as a rod, the hooks are teeny tiny and there are many knots, particularly one called the death knot or something similar (see I learned something, wink). Drank my first beer. Not sure what to make of it yet...pretty much nursed it. Friday was a notable day. Cycled 55 miles on the Rio Grande Trail from Aspen to Carbondale. Following alongside the tranquil river, breathtaking vistas, red rock cliffs, stunning mountains ranges and beautiful ranches...a soul cleansing and serene ride. Stopped at a horse ranch to feed a sweet pinto horse some's so easy to fall in love with these magnificent animals, an instantaneous affection. As I kneeled to collect more grass, the horse nudged me and proceeded to gnaw at my camelback was a hoot trying to get him to let go! It's the simple pleasures that make life worth living. And the simple pleasures that we take with us when we leave this superlative planet. Unlike tangible pleasures. Ended the day with a scrumptious fish taco in Carbondale overlooking the mountain range. Road the bus back to Aspen; next time I'll ride the 80+ mile roundtrip!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Marble, Colorado

I love this place. This town has the heart of true Colorado. Itsy bitsy town known for the world's white marble. Beautiful beautiful white marble is mined here. The Lincoln Memorial marble is from this town, as well as other famous white marble sculptures. Read about the history of this quaint town...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Ahhhhhhhh, it feels great to be home in the Rockies!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Western Kansas

Kudos to western Kansas farmlanders for their wind energy! Miles of wind turbines cover rolling hills of lush green pastures followed with a gorgeous's a beautiful thing. Located near Lincoln and Ellsworth, KS.